Marie Madeleine and Kurt Roth-Fauchère

Meditation is a part of our lives, whether it takes place in a strict formal setting or in a conscious ordinary process.

weekly meditation

Our world is going through a period of great upheaval with a far unknown outcome. For each and every one of us, this gives rise to great uncertainties. In this situation – and stepping out of it for a short time – we want to focus only on being. To be human. To be a tiny dot under a vast sky, in an infinite universe. A point, however, which can see all the greatness, is part of it. Meditation.

We meet weekly, are somewhere and yet together for this time. Wherever you are, you are welcome to join us. [The group is currently full. If you are interested in this line, send us an email anyway: we are in the process of opening more possibilities.]


Saturday, start 7pm, end no later than 8pm, in the frame 20′ meditation from gong beat to gong beat.


Our connection to the given time is important, the place is not. We meet

  • at Les Ecureuils in Arolla
  • via Zoom with video and sound
  • without physical connection, just knowing that the whole group is meditating now

In any case, please register so we can schedule the room or invite you to Zoom. Even if you don’t want a physical connection, it’s nice for everyone to know who is in the circle.


We alternate two quite different forms, guided and silent. In guided meditation we strive for the harmonization of our different levels – healing where needed, opening where possible – the unfolding of our great being. In silent meditation we are facing the great, striving to see it, wishing to merge into it. Putting one foot in front of the other – guided, silent,… – we walk the path of our being, following no tradition, but allowing all, concentrating only on our path.

Before and after the meditation there is time to share. Maybe to talk briefly about the experience to pass on an inspiration. But this is not necessary, you are welcome to come to the group without any further interaction.

Please do not record these meditations and our exchanges, or any part of them, so that we are all in a protected atmosphere.


Marie Madeleine guides the meditation (in French). This can be prepared in advance or can arise intuitively in the moment. Marie Madeleine has been given the task to feel in her body the dissonances of the others.  Depending on the information felt, she can offer only a visualization or work more specifically with the doctors of the Heaven in what then becomes a healing circle. It is not necessary to feel sick or unbalanced to receive the sacred flow of healing. It flows with every meditation.


Kurt leads to a starting point for meditation (French). Some of these starting points are available as audio in French and in German.

Guided or silent, in meditation you are with yourself and for yourself. But not only. The magic of the group carries and vibrates, the awareness of being here together, being human, beyond all boundaries and forms. The healing and sacred.